Tegnell: "containment until march 10 when a mitigation phase started"

Från Coronadokumenten
datum 2020/05/11
etiketter sverige, Anders Tegnell, mitigering, English, utbegärd handling, mailkonversation
url https://twitter.com/GostaBroholmer/status/1393952921755213832
bild E1hQylnX0AEU4m4.jpeg

"From Sweden

First case 31 January 2020. Big inflow of cases during spring holidays in February with successful containment until 10 March 2020 when a mitigation phase started. This has included a mixture of legal and voluntary measures to increase social distancing and protect vulnerable populations. The measures have been introduced in succession to keep the spread of disease on level that could be handled by the health-care services. When we now see a slowing down of the number of cases we have started to plan for future relaxation in certain areas.

Med vänlig hälsning

Anders Tegnell Avdelningschef "