How The Mitigation Strategy Tempted Northern Europe And Convinced Only Sweden

Från Coronadokumenten
datum 2020/04/12
etiketter sverige, Barbara Caracciolo, mitigering
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«Why is there such a peculiar silence on the overall Swedish strategy? This is all the more puzzling as FHM has been holding daily press updates on the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden, ever since early March. When questioned about the strategy, vague, generic answers are given by both FHM and the government’s representatives, including Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde. The answers range from “we are not doing anything different from any other country” or “our aim is to save lives like any other country” to “we are succeeding at flattening the curve and protecting the health care system”. Why is it so difficult to claim that the mitigation/herd immunity strategy is followed? The nearly 6000 victims of COVID19 in Sweden (Figure 3) may partly give the answer to this question…»

CONTRIBUTORS: Barbara Caracciolo, M.Sc epidemiology, Ph.D aging research; Marie Gorwa, professor in applied microbiology; Lena Einhorn, MD Ph.D virology; Anders Jansson, MD in clinical physiology; Anders Vahlne, professor emeritus in clinical virology; Stefan Einhorn, professor in molecular oncology; Björn Olsen, professor in infectious diseases; Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, professor in microbial pathogenesis; Åke Gustafsson, clinical virologist; Stefan Hanson, clinical virologist, Ph.D international health; Åke Lundkvist, professor in virology; Anders Wahlin, professor emeritus in hematology; Andrew Ewing, professor in bioanalytical chemistry; Jens Sörensen, associate professor in peace and development research; Sigurd Bergmann, professor emeritus in religious studies; Olle G P Isaksson, professor in biomedicine; Marcus Carlsson, associate professor in mathematics; Jan Lötvall, professor in allergy, asthma, immunology; Emil Bergholtz, professor in theoretical physics; Jana Bergholtz, Ph.D in earth and planetary sciences, patients’ representative; Manuel Felices, MD, Ph.D endocrinology; Bo Lunbäck, professor in clinical epidemiology and lung diseases; Nele Brusselaers, associate professor in clinical epidemiology; Leif Bjermer, professor in respiratory medicine and allergology.